Pregnancy and baby, Weaning

Weaning our baby

Throughout pregnancy and my child's birth a lot of the guidelines, to me, push mums to do things in a new way. When I was in the hospital after given birth the midwifes told me that they couldn't provide bottles of milk as they had to promote breastfeeding. I had to ask my parents to… Continue reading Weaning our baby

Beauty, Pregnancy and baby

The dreaded postpartum hair lost

So we are now 3 months post natal and I have experienced the dreaded hair lost. Again something I wish someone told me 😂 but obviously due to the amount of hormones in your body during pregnancy you can gain a ridiculous amount of hair I mean just take a look at the below, my… Continue reading The dreaded postpartum hair lost

Pregnancy and baby

We Made It – 1 Month Old!

On the 10th September we marked 1 month since our son was born, what a month it has been. I celebrated my 27th Birthday by having a family trip to the Trentham Monkey Forest near Stoke. It was a bit wet and rainy but we had a good time. Baby Hatton decided to sleep throughout… Continue reading We Made It – 1 Month Old!

Pregnancy and baby

1 Week Postpartum

Wow, this time last week I was lying on my back begging the nurses to make it stop as it could not push any more. Now I am sitting at a computer begging my Husband to make the pain stop as I can not pee or sit properly for more than half an hour. The… Continue reading 1 Week Postpartum

Pregnancy and baby

My Birthing Story

As I am writing this I currently have my 4 day old lying on my chest fast asleep without a care in the world. We start this story Saturday morning at 8:50 am. I had hardly slept that night due to the excitement at the thought of going in for my induction. I called the… Continue reading My Birthing Story

Pregnancy and baby

Pregnancy – what I wish someone told me!

"Oh your pregnant for 9 months then pop baby is here" "You will forget about the pain of labour as soon as you see that face" "It's not too bad, labour is definitely worst but you forget about it" As a first time mum I thought I'd fly through pregnancy. I knew about the aches… Continue reading Pregnancy – what I wish someone told me!

Pregnancy and baby, World events

Being Pregnant during a Pandemic

Being pregnant is a stressful and emotional time already. You have a range of hormones pumping through your body, not to forget the fact that you have to pee very 5 minutes, your clothes don't fit right and the aches and pains. Yet being pregnant during a pandemic seems to bring its own hardships and… Continue reading Being Pregnant during a Pandemic